I have a confession to make: I'm not very good at social media. It's not that I don't enjoy using it, but rather that I don't always know what to do with it. For example, when should I post? How many times per day? What should my posts say? Is any of this even working? When you're trying to build a personal brand or promote yourself as an expert in your field (or both), these are all important questions. In this article, we'll cover the basics of how to use social media to grow your personal brand and bring awareness of who you are and what you do into the world
Decide what you want to be known for.
Now that you have a brand strategy, it's time to decide what you want to be known for. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What are the things that make you unique or different from others in your field? How can you showcase these aspects of yourself to attract new clients or customers and make them aware of who they're dealing with when they work with you or buy from you?
If there’s something specific that comes up as an answer to any of these questions, then it should be easy enough for me (or someone else) to find out about it by searching through social media posts and interviews online. Know your audience.
Know your audience.
Know what they want and need.
Know what they are interested in.
Know what they are struggling with, and how to reach them
Be consistent.
Consistency is key. When you're developing your personal brand, it's important to post regularly and consistently. You don't want to overwhelm your audience with too much content, but if they aren't seeing anything from you for weeks at a time, they will forget who you are and why they should follow your business or brand in the first place.
To make sure that doesn't happen:
Don't be afraid of repetition! If something works well once, try posting it again in the future--it might work even better the second time around (or third). It's okay if some of your posts are similar; just as long as every now and then there's something new thrown into the mix, so people don't get bored by seeing too many familiar faces all at once.
Posting more than once per day isn't necessarily a bad thing, either - especially if there are multiple avenues through which one can find out about updates (Facebook Page fans won't necessarily see Twitter tweets). Scheduling tools such as Buffer allow users both control over when their content goes live, while also ensuring consistency across platforms without ever having written anything themselves!
Be yourself.
Be yourself. You are the only person you can be, so don't try to be someone else or what you think people want. If this means being quirky and fun-loving, then go for it! If people don't like that side of your personality, they probably won't follow or engage with your brand anyway. The best part about being authentic is that it will help others feel comfortable around you--and feeling comfortable with someone online makes them more likely to buy from them!
When developing a personal brand using social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram (which I'll talk more about later), focus less on creating content than on interacting with other users within those networks by liking their posts/pictures; replying when appropriate; sharing relevant articles or videos; etcetera. This type of engagement is known as "social listening" because it allows us insight into what our target audience wants from us based on how they interact with us online."
Ask questions and have conversations.
Ask questions and then answer them.
Start a conversation in the comment section.
Ask for advice, share information, or show off your personality.
Write a personal mission statement.
Writing a personal mission statement is an easy way to get started. The best way to do this is to take some time and write down what you want out of life, what your values are and how they affect your decisions, who you want to become as a person, how others can help or hinder those goals and what success looks like for yourself.
Once we have our mission statements written down, we can use them as a guide when making decisions in our lives today that align with those values. For example: "I value honesty above all else, so when I need advice on which job offer I should accept, I will ask my family members who know me well rather than an acquaintance who might tell me something flattering but not necessarily true."
Being successful on social media is about knowing who you are and what you want people to know about you, and letting them know in a way that makes sense.
Social media is a great way to share your expertise and build relationships with your audience. It's also a place where you can develop your personal brand and make connections that will help further your career. The key to being successful on social media is knowing who you are and what people want from you, then delivering it in a consistent way that feels authentic.
The first step in this process is identifying who your audience is--and it's not always easy! For example, if there's one thing I've learned from working as an editor, it's that there isn't just one type of reader out there; rather, every person has their own unique interests and needs (which is why we publish so many different types of books at Penguin Random House). That said, here are some general tips for figuring out where they'll be:
Ask yourself: Who do I want reading my posts? Who would benefit most from what I have to say? What kind of information would interest them most right now? These questions should help guide where exactly those readers might hang out online so that when it comes time to post something new (or even repost old material), all those hard-earned followers won't miss seeing anything fresh from their favorite writer/blogger/influencer etc.* Build relationships over time by commenting regularly on other people's posts or sharing links related with theirs - especially when those posts relate directly back into whatever industry sector
Social media can be a powerful tool for developing your personal brand. It's important to remember that it's not just about finding the right platforms, but also knowing who your audience is and how best to approach them. You should always be yourself on social media, but also make sure that you're being consistent in how you interact with others, so they get a clear idea of who "you" are and what "your brand" stands for. Finally, ask questions and have conversations with people because this helps build trust within communities--and trust is essential when trying to sell products or services online!