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The Barn

About The Barn


The Barn

 A charm­ing locale for indoor or outdoor wed­dings, birth­days, rehearsals, show­ers, par­ties, reunions, and retire­ments.



1 mile from Inter­state 35 exit 325, or 1/3 mile from the Hewitt Drive / Spring Val­ley inter­sec­tion.  Enjoy a coun­try set­ting for your spe­cial event.


Have your Party Here

Room for a band, a dance floor, and plenty of seat­ing. There is a bar area with space for kegs and mar­garita machines. The Barn is sure to wel­come your guests for a mem­o­rable occa­sion!



254-749-7887 Virginia
254-749-0687 Eddie


1900 W. Spring Valley Road
Lorena, TX 76655
Between Hewitt and Lorena

The Barn
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